About Roderic Grigson
Hi, there. I’m Roderic ‘Rod’ Grigson.
Previously a successful corporate executive, I’m also a published author and – now – a writing teacher/mentor and a publisher.
After writing and publishing several of my own books, I started to run writing courses. Over the past few years, I have assisted new writers – some of whom attended my courses – to publish books of their own.
I have greatly enjoyed working with new writers in this way. So much so, that I've decided to launch Grigson Publishing, to help more take the next step in their writing journey. You can find a list of the books I have published here.
So, if you're looking for help or guidance, let me share the knowledge and experience of myself and my colleagues. Let us help you get your stories out into the world.
Read on for more…
So, you’ve finished writing your story?
Now your journey really begins!
The writing alone would have taken months, maybe years. But you have done something few people ever do—you finished writing your book.
But where do you go from here?
Maybe you’ve done your homework on publishing a book, but you’ve found so much conflicting advice that you’re overwhelmed.
As a first-time self-publisher you are responsible for all the decisions you make. However, you will have vastly less experience in editing, proof-reading, designing, promoting, advertising, marketing, selling, delivering, and billing than traditional publishers do.
So you may need some help.
…and that’s where we can come in!
Over the course of my own publishing journey, I’ve learned some essential truths about how to complete and release a book.
Fundamentally, professionalism and objectivity are paramount to the success of a book in a saturated story marketplace.
With guidance, you can control the entire creative and publishing process. You determine the publishing timeline as you have creative control over the cover and interior design. You set the price, and after expenses, the profit is all yours.
If all of this sounds of interest, get in touch and let’s find out how we can we can work together to achieve your author goals!
So, you want to write a book and get it published? You have just found out only 1 in 10,000 books make it through the big publishing houses, so you decide to self-publish. You discover there is so much to learn – editing, proofreading, ISBNs, cover design, interior design, which online publisher to use, who does your website design, and the lists go on!! What if there is someone who has successfully published three of their books and has developed the skills and experience to help you publish your book? That someone is Roderic “Rod” Grigson, who took me through the complex and detailed process with relative ease. I am pleased to have found Rod and can highly recommend his services.
My book would have remained unceremoniously buried inside my desktop computer and would never have reached publication if not for Rod’s professional guidance backed by his own experiences publishing three books on Amazon. As a former UN diplomat and a longstanding journalist based at the United Nations, I was amazed at his extensive knowledge of publishing’s intricacies and logistics. With editorial help, cover design/artwork, interior production, publication, and marketing support, he scrupulously supported my entire effort, from the first draft to the final product. For sheer professionalism, I give Rod a plus, plus. And I have no hesitation in recommending him to any potential author in search of a publisher.
“I have participated in the Introductory and Advanced Writing Courses presented by Roderic Grigson. The courses are well constructed and thought-provoking, providing the tools for any aspiring writer to understand the requirements of developing and enhancing their writing skills. Roderic has also been most generous with his time since I attended the course and has assisted me personally, in developing a novel which I hope to progress towards being published.”
“I previously attended a creative writing course some time ago, but it left me feeling unfinished and wanting more. This course under the guidance of Roderic Grigson was crisp and refreshing, covering methods of writing I had never considered. Each week Rod covered a new topic, from descriptions to hooks, to dialogue and painting words; always with the emphasis of using one’s own writing voice. This gave me the confidence to try new techniques and my writing has become far more professional. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who would love to write and wants to write but doesn’t know how to start.”
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